jigsaw coming together + house rearranging
Good morning all, Hope everyone is doing well wherever you are reading this from. My week was pretty standard, working, caring for my animals and sleeping. We have also made huge progress on the Jigsaw puzzle you would have seen in the previous Blog post, which you can clearly see now is an African Elephant which once complete I am hoping to hang up somewhere in my bedroom as I have a Safari theme already happening in there but we will see. We decided to make it easier in assembling the Jigsaw that we would have to rearrange the house a little bit to add an extra table in to the mix. Taking the trestle table out of the bird room and adding it on to the dining room table made adequate amount of space to make it easier in finishing the Jigsaw. Pictured below is what the dining room looked like before the rearranging started... As you can see the Jigsaw barely fits on the table as it is, but now we have HEAPS of room. It doesn't look to bad either. We have another Jigsaw puzzle to as...